Manor Barn — Conversion Bideford, North Devon
Set in the rolling countryside of North Devon with far reaching views, this extensive barn conversion was originally part of a larger farm complex on the edge of the village, whose farming activities had moved elsewhere.

Retaining many of the original stone walls, and largely following the arrangement of the barns as they stepped down the sloping surrounding ground, the complex has retained its rural feel while offering clean, deceptively pared back living spaces, inside and out. From the outside, coherence of the buildings has been restored through the removal of ad hoc extensions, where block infill to walls has been replaced with local matching masonry, and the existing openings have been taken advantage of, with generous glazing offering focused, framed views.

The scheme took a while to gestate and, following pre-planning application consultation with both the Local Authority, and with English Heritage due to the proximity of the Grade 1 listed church, planning permission was achieved for the change of use of the redundant farm buildings into a single dwelling.

The scheme could not have been achieved without the understanding of traditional building and craft to bring out the rugged character and materials of rural Devon, whilst placing these in the context of more modern design. On the inside, attention to detail and following a ‘fabric first’ approach of high insulation levels and airtightness has provided energy efficiency close to the Passivhaus standard.

Moving through the house offers engagement with views or spaces inside and out, as well as a sense of both intimacy and spaciousness. A light, contemporary home has been created, where the flowing arrangement gives surprises and delights.